"Flex your growing prowess in audiation and playing skills at this keyboard musicianship event.
Music Moves for Piano students follow a well balanced audiation-based piano curriculum. The goal of this event
is to give students an outlet to perform audiation, musicianship, and improvisation skills,
learned in the Music Moves for Piano method, in a fun game format." ~4Inspiration.org
Date: Saturday - February 12, 2022 Event Time: 11am-12noon PST Students Log-on Time: 10:40am (to set-up and check sound) Join the Event: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84229029682?pwd=RHJQMjRvUmI1dm03N0lubjJQWExwUT09 Meeting ID: 842 2902 9682 Passcode: pianogames Dresscode: Like a Winter Olympics Athlete (sweater/jacket, tuque, gloves...etc) |
Some activities to get you ready for Saturday
1. Chant and play any of these patterns on the piano on 1 key a) Du-de Du, 2) Du-de Du-de, 3) Du Du, 4) Du Du-de 2. Play Whale Shark loudly or softly (skip the create your own version) 3. Play Floating Clouds duet fast or slow 4. Let's create a Bobsleigh Medley for the Olympics! You can decide to play all or just two of these triple meter pieces in any order to make it sound like a Bobsleigh: Floating Clouds duet, Stuck and Merry Go Round. |
Some activities to get you ready for Saturday
1. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater on Black Keys and when G is DO, F is DO, C is DO. 2. Sing and play the tonic-dominant-tonic cadence when G is DO (RH, LH) and F is DO (RH, LH), separated touch. 3. Chant a 4 Macrobeat triple meter (macro/microbeat) pattern and perform it on 1 piano key. Use Du's & Du-da-di's. 4. Play the piece "Spinning" connected, separated, loudly and softly 5. Choose one of these duple meter patterns: 1) Du-de Du, Du-de Du 2) Du Du, Du-de Du 3) Du-de Du-de Du-de Du. Chant and play something on the piano that sounds like a Snowboarder....1) flying high OR 2) going down the slopes OR 3)turning and flipping. |
Some activities to get you ready for Saturday
1. G or F: tonic-dominant-tonic melodic cadence and arpeggio with either hand separated (tall finger, all fingers) 2. Olympic Announcement Bells: Big Ben arrangement 3. Alpine Skiing Medley: 3 triple meter pieces from Book A 4. Chant and play a duple division pattern on one key (try different sorts of division patterns at home). Create anywhere on the piano. 5. Play a piece you created using TI-DO and MI-SO when G is DO - sounding like Figure Skating. |
Some activities to get you ready for Saturday
1. Dorian German Folk Song (p3) - play in Dorian, then Major, Harmonic Minor and Mixolydian in any order! *Remember to play the cadence in both hands before you start so you can establish the tonality you're in & chords you'll be playing! 2. Practice translating duple division patterns from neutral syllable (Bah-bah's) to tonal syllable (Du-ta-de, Du-ta-de-ta's...etc) - Pattern CD track 8. Improvise each pattern on any of the notes of the tonic triad of this key a) Db major, b) Bb minor c) F# major or d) E major (E.g. - Db F Ab of Dbmajor) 3. Mixolydian Mexican Dance (p23) - change to triple meter 4. Echo with your voice a triple meter Division Elongation pattern (Pattern CD track 12 & track 16) and play the pattern on one key while you say(chant) the pattern. 5. Create an Olympic Victory Theme over a progression of your choice using the I and VII in Mixolydian (in a key that sounds victorious). 6. Create a tune in Dorian of a Ski Jumping event - use I, IV and VII. |
drema's music studioa JOURNEY towards a lifetime
of discovering and making music with understanding and creativity |
Kids, teens and adults of all abilities |
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